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Cut federal MP entitlements

Cut MP entitlements There are 226 federal MPs in Canberra.
150 MPs: House of Representatives.
76 MPs: Senate.

Australian federal MPs are among the highest paid politicians in the world.

They receive: Generous salary; 15.4% superannuation; $32k+ electorate allowance; free car or extra $19.5k; overseas study trips; chauffeur Comcars; printing allowances (for self-promotion); free domestic travel; free Gold Pass travel for ex-PMs; free offices for ex-PMs etc.

* We will abolish ex-MP pensions.
* We will lower 15.4% MP superannuation down to 9.5%.
* We will abolish the Life Gold Pass for ex-PMs.
* We will abolish taxpayer funded offices for ex-PMs.
* We will limit office printing allowances by MPs for self-promotion.
* We will lower their $32k+ electorate allowances.
* We will restrict the use of chauffeur driven Comcars.

Current federal MP entitlements:
* Base salary $203k/yr.
* Electorate allowance $32k–$46k/yr (taxable income).
* Free car, or extra $19.5k/yr.
* Office/printing allowances $130k/yr + postage of $1 for every voter in electorate (Reps).
* Unlimited domestic trips in business class for official business.
* Daily travel allowances.
* Chauffeur driven Comcars.
* Taxpayer funded overseas study tours.
* MPs are paid an extra $285/day when in Canberra.

We will limit overseas travel:
Tony Abbott's 2014 overseas travel: $1,282,277 (Switzerland, USA, PNG, Japan, Korea, China, Indonesia, Japan, Indonesia, France, Canada, USA, Palau, Netherlands, UK, India, Malaysia, USA, Indonesia, China, Myanmar, UAE).
Bronwyn Bishop's 2014 overseas travel: $309,785 (Mexico, NZ, Singapore, UAE, Switzerland, USA, Trinidad, Tobago, Singapore, UK, Morocco, Tunisia, France, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Lao Republic, Korea, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland).
Too many MPs to list them all.

We will end taxpayer funding for ex-PM offices.
2016 ex-PM expenditures:
Howard: $302,343
Hawke: $163,676
Keating: $157,231
Rudd: $141,659
Gillard: $143,576
These amounts do NOT include their ex-MP pensions!
2014 Gillard office fit-out: $429k
We will publish each MP's annual amounts (as well as the quarterly amounts) - not just the 3 monthly amounts (which look smaller)!

We will end taxpayer funded PCSS ex-MP pensions.
Former MP Bronwyn (helicopter) Bishop now receives a $211k ex-MP pension (indexed) every year, for life.
PCSS (Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme) was closed to new MPs after 9 October 2004.
However, it's still costing taxpayers more than $40m every year.
Why do these ex-MPs get paid $150k-$300k every year, for life, AFTER they have left office?

We will lower MPs' 15.4% superannuation.
MPs' receive 15.4% superannuation, whereas everyone else receives 9.5%.
More of the same - MPs ripping off taxpayers, because they can!

We will abolish the ex-MP Life Gold Pass.
Recently, the Life Gold Pass scheme was cancelled for most ex-MPs, but still allowed for ex-PMs.
We will abolish it for ex-PMs too.

Travel/accommodation allowances:
MPs receive extra daily payments for travelling to:
* Canberra: $285/day
* Adelaide: $366/day
* Brisbane: $415/day
* Darwin: $445/day
* Hobart: $342/day
* Melbourne: $386/day
* Perth: $403/day
* Sydney: $405/day

We will end the age of entitlement for federal MPs, former MPs and former PMs.

Authorised: Andrew Beeham BSc BEng
32/8 Tilley Lane, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086