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Lower immigration

passport photo Australia's net overseas migration (NOM) = immigration in - emigration out.

2018-19 NOM: (Not available yet)
2017-18 NOM: 237,200 people in.
2016-17 NOM: 245,400 people in.
2015-16 NOM: 182,165 people in.
2014-15 NOM: 168,200 people in.
2013-14 NOM: 212,700 people in.
2012-13 NOM: 244,400 people in.
2011-12 NOM: 225,100 people in.

* High levels of immigration place extra pressure on housing affordability.
* The government is forced to release more land for housing, which means more bushland cleared and ever expanding cities.
* High immigration means more transport congestion and traffic jams.
* As automation becomes more widespread, high immigration means more competition for fewer jobs.

We will reduce NOM to less than 90,000 people per year, to alleviate these issues.

We support lower immigration.
Authorised: Andrew Beeham BSc BEng
32/8 Tilley Lane, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086