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Affordable housing

home photo Affordable accommodation is one of life's most basic requirements.

Property prices have surged due to:
* Generous tax concessions for property investors.
* Record low Reserve Bank interest rates.
* High immigration levels.
* Foreign buyers.

*** Former Liberal MP, Joe Hockey's solution: "Get a good job, that pays good money!"
That was the former Liberal party treasurer's advice to first home buyers!

* We will lower the 50% Capital Gains Tax concession (to 25%) for property investors.
* We will limit future negative gearing to brand new buildings only (allowing existing negatively geared arrangements to continue).
* We will lower immigration levels.
* We will establish a national register to determine the extent of foreign ownership of all Australian land.
* We will oppose foreign ownership of Australian property. Australians are not allowed to buy land in Indonesia, or China etc.

We support affordable housing.
Authorised: Andrew Beeham BSc BEng
32/8 Tilley Lane, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086