Frequently asked questions
Q: How much does membership cost?
Nothing. It's FREE.
Q: Do I have to agree with EVERY policy to join?
No. People have different views on different topics. Any political party (with more than one policy), will have some members who don't agree with every policy.
Q: Who sets the party's policies?
Members vote on whether to adopt new policies. We are a democratic party.
Q: Do I have to vote on new policies?
Voting is optional. If you don't wish to vote on new policies, you don't have to.
Q: If I join, what does that involve?
There are no time commitments. You don't have to do anything.
Q: Do you accept donations?
No. We are not accepting donations at this stage.
Q: Is there a phone number, if I want to talk to someone?
Andrew: 0417 066 760
Q: If I join, and decide later to quit, how do I achieve that?
Just send us a request to cancel your membership.
Q: How do I join?
Click on the membership button (on the home page) and complete the membership form details, and click 'submit.'Thank you.