
Frequently asked questions

Q: How much does membership cost?
A: Nothing. It's FREE.

Q: Do I have to agree with EVERY policy to join?
A: No. People have different views on different topics. Any political party (with more than one policy), will have some members who don't agree with every policy.

Q: Who sets the party's policies?
A: Members vote on whether to adopt new policies. We are a democratic party.

Q: Do I have to vote on new policies?
A: Voting is optional. If you don't wish to vote on new policies, you don't have to.

Q: If I join, what does that involve?
A: There are no time commitments. You don't have to do anything.

Q: Do you accept donations?
A: No. We are not accepting donations at this stage.

Q: Is there a phone number, if I want to talk to someone?
A: Andrew: 0417 066 760

Q: If I join, and decide later to quit, how do I achieve that?
A: Just send us a request to cancel your membership.

Q: How do I join?
A: Click on the membership button (on the home page) and complete the membership form details, and click 'submit.'

Thank you.

Authorised: Andrew Beeham BSc BE
32/8 Tilley Lane, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086